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EIGIO 2008-02-20 12:22
"mito kaip hienos", hmm gal geriau sakyti "buvo maitėda", nes ne visos hienos minta maita, o tos kurios minta, tai ir taip pat sėkmingai medžioja. Wikipedia - Hyena: "Except for the Aardwolf, all hyena species are efficient scavengers as well as hunters.[citation needed] They have extremely strong jaws in relation to their body size and have a very powerful digestive system with highly acidic fluids, making them capable of eating and digesting their entire prey, including skin, teeth, horns, bones and even hooves. Since they eat carrion, their digestive system deals very well with bacteria. The spotted hyena is primarily a predator, unlike its cousins. Spotted hyenas are successful pack hunters of small to large sized ungulates and are the most abundant carnivore on the African continent."