[ŽT] Tai rimta. Rusija surado IRIS-T! Smogė su aviacija (Video) ()
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Socialiniuose tinkluose plinta video, kuriame, neva rusų bandymas atakuoti Ukrainos priešlėktuvinę sistemą IRIS-T Chersono srityje.
Vaizdo įraše matomi mažiausiai 2 paleidimo įrenginiai ir daugiafunkcis radaras TRML-4D. Kaip matyti iš video, IRIS-T didelės žalos nepatyrė.
Russians today spotted a 🇩🇪-Supplied IRIS-T Battery.
— WarVehicleTracker (@WarVehicle) December 29, 2023
You can see 1x TRML-4D Multifunction-Radar for the IRIS-T(green),
aswell as 2x IRIS-T SLM Launchers(were not affected by the strike)(yellow).
Russians attempted to strike the Radar with a UMPK-Glide Bomb (red=impact zone).⬇️ pic.twitter.com/iWC5fAh1so
An attempt by the Russians to hit our IRIS-T SLM complex in the Kherson region (Krynychanok district) with an KAB glide bomb
— GWAR69 🇩🇰🇺🇦 (@GwarWorin) December 29, 2023
The video shows at least 2 launchers and the TRML-4D multifunctional radar.
The impact was near the radar, but without damage (visually) pic.twitter.com/fz3aB7SXs7