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infoguru 2024-05-24 17:46
Game Insight is a Lithuanian video game developer and publisher of free-to-play mobile games and social-network games, headquartered in Vilnius, Lithuania. The company was founded in 2009 in Moscow. ... Alisa Chumachenko is the leading female expert in online and social gaming. In 2010, she founded and was the CEO of “Game Insight”, a company that creates free-to-play games for Android, iOS, Facebook, and the web, until she stepped down in 2015. And in 2017, she founded GOSU.ai Data Lab, a company using machine learning to provide data to gamers and game companies. By 2018, GOSU Data Lab had raised $2.3 million. Game Insight is a private mobile game developer and publisher based in Moscow. Led by chief executive Alisa Chumachenko ... Alisa Chumachenko: Sberbank Games will launch its marketplace and publish games for consoles Alisa Chumachenko, CEO of the Sbera gaming direction, spoke at the WN St. Petersburg’21 conference. She spoke about the ambitions of Sberbank in the international and local markets, and also shared the three main pillars on which the company will rely. Starting a new one is always delightfully exciting! In 2021, the history of the company SberGames began: we joined the large ecosystem of “Sber” and became part of the entertainment industry, “SberIntertainment“, as an international game publisher. In less than a year, we were able to assemble a team of more than 170 game development market experts who previously worked in companies such as Game Insight, Playrix. Wargaming, MY.GAMES and many others Media: VK, Yandex, Sber and Rostelecom are going to create a domestic mobile OS According to Kommersant, they are going to found a company in Russia that will develop a mobile operating system based on Android. The founders will be VK, Yandex, Sberbank and Rostelecom with the support of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Nu taip... tikrai "Game Insight" ir "Wargames" tikri LT startuoliai... neaišku tik ką startuoja, kokiais tikslais... ir už ką tas algas moka...
mixed 2024-05-24 19:13
idomu kas yra startuoliai ir kaip klasifikuojami? nes ten koks vinted jau 12 metu veikia. ir idomu kam 1389 darbuotoju pardavinejant ne savo smutkes?
immortallt 2024-05-26 10:23
mixed, priklausomai ko paklausi. Pagal inovacijų įstatymą berods 5 metai. Man tai startuoliai, tiesiog itin didelės rizikos įmonės. Problema, kad kai yra itin didelė rizika, o yra masės susižavėjusių startuoliais bei pinigai išlieka gan pigūs, prilenda krūva tokių, kurie patys supranta, kad daro nesąmonę, tiesiog kuria kažką patrauklaus masėms. Tas pats vinted - overglorified e-bay kuris neva specializuojasi naudotais daiktais. Pats puslapis yra pasenęs dar nepradėjęs veikti. Nieko geresnio nepasiūlo, bet finansavimas eina milžiniškas. Tuo tarpu koks medicininis startuolis, kuris išnaudodamas mašininį mokymąsi apmokomas identifikuoti tam tikras ligas iš pvz. rentgeno nuotrąkų, kompiuterinės tomografijos ar dar ko, ankstyvose stadijose, iš mažo ryškumo nuotraukų, ko net geriausi pasaulio specialistai ne visada sugeba. Tokie surenka geriausiu atveju 1/100 to, ką surenka tokie kaip vinted. Ar pvz. buvo crowdfunding, akumuliatoriaus į gamtą. Tokių jau pirkti buvo galima rasti. Surinko ar tai 5 milijonus $. Kai iš esmės contract manufacturing užsakymas tai tik. Viskas readily available, net ir galutinis produktas pirkti +- tokių pat charatkeristikų.