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Absoliutas 2024-09-06 15:24
Jeigu reiktu prisiimti atsakomybe už savo teiginius, tai manau kad tokiu “aiškeregių” kaip Janis neliktų. O dabar galima pranašauti bet ka, o jeigu dar kas rubliu sumoka tai galima pranašauti kiekviena diena.
Absoliutas 2024-09-06 15:27
Ir dar kaip čia būtų kad šitoks fantastiškas aiškiaregys Janis neišpranašavo, kad rusofašistai užgrobs Kryma 2014-ais. Arba kad rusofašistai užpuls Ukraina 2022-ais… toks iš jo ir aiškiaregys, eilinis apsišaukėlis ir tiek…
Splius 2024-09-07 19:11
Turbut visais laikais po toki “pranasa” atsirasdavo, bet…
✴️ 1904 to 1905 - war with Japan for supremacy over Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula
✴️ 1917 to 1921 - war against Ukraine and its efforts for independence
✴️ 1918 - invasion of Azerbaijan
✴️ 1918 - invasion of Finland
✴️ 1918 - occupation of Belarus
✴️ 1918 - occupation of part of Moldova
✴️ 1918 to 1920 - war against Latvia
✴️ 1918 to 1920 - war against Estonia
✴️ 1918 to 1919 - war against Lithuania
✴️ 1918 to 1920 - war in Ossetia
✴️ 1919 to 1921 - Russian invasion of Poland (Russo-Polish War)
✴️ 1920 - invasion of Azerbaijan
✴️ 1921 - invasion of Georgia
✴️ 1921 - invasion of Mongolia
✴️ 1921 - suppression of the Armenian uprising
✴️ 1921 to 1922 - suppression of the uprising in Karelia
✴️ 1924 - another military intervention against Georgian nationalists
✴️ 1929 - the first military intervention in China
✴️ 1937 - the second military intervention in China
✴️ 1937 - invasion of Azerbaijan
✴️ 1938 - invasion of Japan again
✴️ 1939 - invasion of Poland
✴️ 1939 to 1940 - invasion of Finland (so-called Winter War)
✴️ 1940 - annexation of Estonia
✴️ 1940 - annexation of Latvia
✴️ 1940 - annexation of Lithuania
✴️ 1941 - invasion of Iran
✴️ 1941 to 1944 - continuation of the Russian war against Finland
✴️ 1941 to 1945 - use of the consequences of World War II as a pretext to occupy Eastern Europe, Central Europe and the Balkans
✴️ 1944 - annexation of Tuva
✴️ 1944 - invasion of Albania
✴️ 1944 - war operations on the Chinese border
✴️ 1944 to 1956 - military intervention in the Baltics
✴️ 1950 to 1953 - military participation in the Korean War
✴️ 1953 - bloody suppression of the uprising in the GDR
✴️ 1956 - bloody military intervention in Hungary
✴️ 1960 - active participation in the war in Laos
✴️ 1955 to 1961 - active participation in the war in Vietnam
✴️ 1962 - military participation in operations in Algeria
✴️ 1968 - bloody invasion of Czechoslovakia
✴️ 1969 - China attacked again - Damansky Island
✴️ 1969 to 1970 - military support of Egyptian Islamists against Israel
✴️ 1970 - active participation in the war in Cambodia
✴️ 1971 - Russian military participation in the Indo-Pakistani conflict
✴️ 1972 - active participation in the war in Bangladesh
✴️ 1974 to 1990 - military participation in the war in Eritrea
✴️ 1975 to 2002 - intensive military support of monstrous regimes in the Angolan civil war
✴️ 1977 to 1978 military participation in the war between Ethiopia and Somalia
✴️ 1979 to 1989 massive invasion of Afghanistan and subsequent war
✴️ 1988 - invasion of Azerbaijan
✴️ 1991 - military intervention in Lithuania and Estonia
✴️ 1991 - invasion of Georgia
✴️ 1992 - a new invasion of Georgia
✴️ 1992 - bombing of Ingushetia
✴️ 1992 - Russian military intervention in Moldova
✴️ 1992 - new military intervention in East Ossetia
✴️ 1992 to 1997 - military intervention in Tajikistan
✴️ 1993 - military participation in the Georgian civil war
✴️ 1994 - Azerbaijan again
✴️ 1994 - military intervention in Dagestan again
✴️ 1994 to 1996 the first war in Chechnya
✴️ 1998 - again Georgia - Abkhazia
✴️ 1999 - Dagestan again
✴️ 1999 to 2009 - the second war in Chechnya
✴️ 2008 - war in South Ossetia, invasion of Georgia
✴️ 2009 - another military intervention in the North Caucasus
✴️ 2014 - annexation of Crimea, invasion of eastern Ukraine
✴️ 2016 - bombing of Syria and occupation of several key places (military presence still today)
✴️ 2022 - full-scale attack on Ukraine
Hmz 2024-09-12 22:54
Tai va ir pasižiūrim viki, kas per vienas tasai "Buvęs Latvijos užsienio reikalų ministras Jānis Jurkāns":
Pasirodo, rusofilinė atmata: "Supporter of Crimea's annexation by Russia"
Rusiškoje viki netgi plačiau aprašyta - kad jis televizijoje aiškino, esą Krymo gyventojai norėjo prisijungti prie Rusijos, ir viskas su Krymo aneksija OK
Tai net nežinau, ar beverta tikėt tuo, ką jis dabar sako.
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paviršutiniškų, beverčių ir įžeidinėjančių žinučių kiekį.
[ŽT] „Rusai ateina.“ Atskleidė, ką Rusija padarys su Baltijos šalimis