Rimti mokslininkai tiria mirties akimirką aplankančias mintis - kodėl daugelis mirštančių išgyvena panašius potyrius?

Komentarai Prisijungti

Viršuje:   Seniausi | Naujausi

Staska 2017-06-29 16:20
,,Autoritetingi britų mokslininkai pateikė naujų stebinančių atsakymų.'' Jūs čia juokauja ? Sam Parnia tyrimai laikomi ant pseudomokslo ribos. Ir iš kur čia tokia karšta naujiena, jei tas tyrimas jau 2001 metais buvo atliktas ? . Jeigu čia tas pats tyrimas apie kurį wikipedia rašo: ,,In 2001, Parnia and colleagues published the results of a year-long study of cardiac arrest survivors. 63 survivors were interviewed; 7 had memories of the time they were unconscious and 4 had experiences that, according to the study criteria, were NDEs. Out of body claims were tested by placing figures on suspended boards facing the ceiling, not visible from the floor. No positive results were reported, and no conclusions could be drawn due to the small number of subjects''