[Žinios trumpai] ISW analitikai: jei Ukraina darys kaip sako, Putinas tikrai smogs su branduoline bomba

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Absoliutas 2022-07-22 14:02
Vakaru mizniai gavo proga pasisakyti
P69 2022-07-22 15:54
Manau tikėtina, kad gali pagrasinti, bet vėliau kai paskelbs kai prijungs Donbasą ir Luhanską. Manau šie regionai jam kaip planas B (ar dabar skaitosi jau kaip C) jeigu galiausiai niekas nenusisektų. Galėtų prijungti jas, taip pat sakyti, kad atkovojome regionus iki jų faktinių žemių ir panašiai. Aišku tai tik mano nuomone. Na ir visa ta nesąmonė, kad va nacius sunaikinom kurių dauguma buvo Mariupolyje ir pnš. Ai, ir kelias tarp Krymo ir Donecko labai svarbus, ir prie to pačio ir Azovo jūrą pilnai kontroliuoja.
P69 2022-07-22 17:33
Kalbant apie ISW patikimumą: ISW was founded in response to the stagnation of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, with core funding provided by a group of defense contractors. ISW currently operates as a nonprofit organization, supported by contributions from defense contractors including General Dynamics, DynCorp, and previously, Raytheon. ISW generally advocates an aggressive foreign policy, and has accepted donations from conservative organizations including the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Bradley Foundation. ISW generally advocates to increase American military involvement in international conflicts. Their political stances tend to align with the business interests of the ISW's funders, whose activities include producing tanks and weapon systems. In 2013 a senior analyst at the Institute, Elizabeth O'Bagy, was fired after it was revealed she did not have the doctorate from Georgetown University she had claimed and had obfuscated an affiliation with the Syrian Emergency Task Force, a U.S.-based group advocating the armed overthrow of the government of Syria. The termination generated national and international headlines after O'Bagy's research for the Institute was cited in a U.S. Senate hearing on possible U.S. military intervention into Syria. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institu ... udy_of_War