„35-ios onkologų konsultacijos ir elnių kraujo vonios“: ekspertai skelbia, kiek dar liko Putinui

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P69 2022-10-08 18:26
Jau 7 mėnesius sunkiai sirgdamas kažkaip valdo, įdomu kiek dar laiko sunkiai sirgs. , has long claimed the Kremlin leader has serious underlying illnesses. Taigi, apie tai iš straipsnio vienintelis Valery Solovey apie tai šneka. Valery Solovei (born 19 August 1960) is a Russian political scientist, historian, and former head of the Public Relations Department at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). He resigned from the MGIMO on June 19, 2019 after being requested by the University administration. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valery_Solovei Ir pabaigai apie patį mirror.co.uk The Daily Mirror is a British national daily tabloid-sized newspaper that is considered to be engaged in tabloid-style journalism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily_Mirror Paskaičius kiek melagysčių buvo parašyta ir už tai paduoti į teisma, nežinau ar reikėtų remtis mirror.co.uk Va, skyriau kiek laiko patyrinėt tuos "straipsnius" kai kuriuos.
P69 2022-10-08 20:43
Bet aišku dėl klikų viską galima pritempti į vieną visumą, ypač jeigu tuom labai tiki. Čia kitas straipsnis kuris nėra susijęs, bet manau paaiškina mano pasvarstymus. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Putin’s administrative directorate has spent billions of rubles on quarantining everyone who comes into contact with the Russian president, according to a new report from the BBC Russian Service. Pilots, healthcare workers, and even World War II veterans have all been put up in hotels in different parts of Russia to self-isolate on the government’s dime before coming into close proximity with Putin. The Kremlin’s spokesman says these expenses are all part and parcel of implementing quarantine measures. The Russian BBC’s journalists calculated that the Russian Presidential Administrative Directorate received more than 6.4 billion rubles, nearly $85 million, from the government reserve fund (including 1.2 billion rubles, about $16 million, allocated by a secret order) to finance measures aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19. A significant portion of this money was spent on medical observation services for people set to be around Putin. These quarantine services were provided in 12 hotels and sanatoriums located in Moscow, the Moscow region, Sochi, and Yalta. As emphasized by the Russian BBC, all of these hotels belong to Putin’s administrative directorate and, in fact, the money allocated for medical observation has been circulating within the department’s structures. Moreover, the contracts for providing for the “sanitary and epidemiological welfare” of protected persons were concluded without any competition. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2021/03/31 ... -for-putin Tai gana susiję su straipsniu tame proekt kurio nuoroda pateikiau ir pagal mano pasvarstymus tai visą tai, kad jis tiesiog pradėjo labiau rūpintis sveikata, nes vis dėl to sensta, juk šiais metais jau 70 sukako. O visi nori gyventi ilgai, dėl invazijos 2022m., manau, kad jis iš dalies tai paspartino taip pat ir padarė visą tai netikėtai, nes galbūt nori išlikti pasaulio istorijoje, o kaip ir sakiau, su metais vis senyn ir senyn jis tai ir paskubėjo. Taip pat pajautė, kad gal geras laikas kol visi pavarge tiek morališkai, tiek ekonomiškai nuo korono viruso, o čia paspaus dar vakarus ekonomiškai tai gal nusileis.