Komentarai Prisijungti
Viršuje: Seniausi | Naujausi
Myslius 2024-09-06 03:44
HIV/AIDS in Russia,
The situation with the spread of HIV/AIDS in Russia is described by some researchers as an epidemic
At the end of 2021 there were 1.137 million infected people in the country, accounting for 1.5% of the adult population; Nevertheless, most experts believe that the real number of HIV-positive people is significantly higher, since a noticeable part has not yet been identified.
Jei iš nustatytų atvejų 1,5% serga, tai realus procentas yra kokia 3%. T.y. . Ukrainoj ir Baltarusijoj skaičiai panašūs.
Visus tuos migrantus reiktų tikrinti ir leidimų neišduoti.
Po dvieju metu:
2023,The number of cases officially recorded has passed 1.4 million
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Skelbiamas aliarmas. „Iš Rusijos masiškai plinta epidemija“